rmod calibrate skew fails

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rmod calibrate skew fails

Post by mfallavol »

We've had our LitePlacer for about a month now and we're still struggling to get it to work consistently. We thought we'd try using the rmod version to see if we had any more success and so far it seems relatively stable but we're having problems just understanding the calibration order and the camera settings seem to be really touchy.

We've tried running the calibration routines using the calibration paper. The first one "calibrate x/y mm/rev" seemed to work just fine though I don't see what settings it changes. However, we're having problems with the "calibrate skew". When it goes to verify the positions (2nd time around), the X dot is off by about 2 dot diameters. It then retries and is consistently off every time.

We're wondering if this is indicative of some issue with our hardware setup or are we missing something.

We really see the potential of the machine but we're just having a hard time making it go.

-- Mike
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