New and better cameras coming (Newsletter, Nov 2017)

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New and better cameras coming (Newsletter, Nov 2017)

Post by JuKu »

(E-mail to the mailing list will go out after the thanksgiving weekend. Web version: ... -available)

LitePlacer pick and place machine updates

New and better cameras coming

I'm updating the cameras on the LitePlacer machine. the new cameras will have more than four times the resolution (1280 x 1024) than the current cameras, and should help to increase the accuracy of the machine. I am currently designing a mount for these with focal direction trim, making sure the camera looks straight down; another accuracy increase.
These will be available later this year. If all goes very smoothly without delays, in two weeks - but I don't believe this myself. On the other hand, I'm very disappointed if new version of the machine does not ship before holidays.

Free shipping until then, with the old price

As the header says. Until the kits are available again, I'm offering free shipping. Make the order normally in the shop, select the free shipping and I'll ship your order when kits are available using FedEx International Priority. As always, you can cancel your order until it ships. Also, if you rather pay by bank transfer, please contact me by email.

I'm not sure if I'm able to keep the kit price the same. I try to, but even if the price of the better cameras result in kit price increase, the orders received during the wait period will use the current pricing.

Updates for existing customers

I want to support my customers! As before, there will be an affordable update kit for existing customers. (So far, I have been able to do this every time there has been an improvement to the machine.) Further, customers who bought the kit during November, will receive the update for free. I don't think it is fair to announce an update right after you bought the old version.

Software gets better, too

I'm also updating the software. The new cameras will allow for better vision processing, I have a big customer supplied update package with new features to integrate, and I have some enhancements in mind myself. There will be some more news soon!
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