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Why do my acceleration and speed settings keep over writing?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 11:30 pm
by paul.m
I'm doing a lot of calibration and testing and tweaking, and every time I have to reset the board for any reason, including booting the board at the beginning of the day, the speed and acceleration values over write with the default values, which I have found way too fast. Its very frustrating constantly filling in those values every single time the board is turned on. Why do these values over write but nothing else does? Slightly unrelated but also related. When I load "application settings" what does that load? and when I load "board settings" what does that load? I'm tempted to try either but I've spent a long time getting everything calibrated and I would like to not do it again.

Re: Why do my acceleration and speed settings keep over writ

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 8:42 am
by JuKu
The TinyG board stores it’s own settings to an EEPROM, which has finite write cycles (and further, the writing is comparable slow). Therefore, those settings are kept there, and on startup, read back from TinyG to the basic setup page. When you edit a value, the numbers turn red to indicate that the value is not written to TinyG (again, to save the writing cycles). When you press enter, the new value is written to TinyG. (You have thousands of cycles, you will not ruin your board by experimenting and fine tuning your system).

If writing a value doesn’t “stick” as described above, the EEPROM on TinyG is faulty, and I need to replace your board.

Loading board settings sends default settings to TinyG (all motor settings for the motors in the kit, safe but rather slow speed and acceleration etc). Loading application settings sets the rest. The latter is useful to transfer your settings from one machine to another; the program uses default settings from the start anyway. (Most likely, I’ll remove the latter in the future, as the program is now more detached from the operating system, all settings will transfer by copying the LitePlacer directory).

Re: Why do my acceleration and speed settings keep over writ

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 5:57 pm
by paul.m
I see. Okay I was missing the "pressing enter step". I noticed the numbers were red indicating that they had been changed, but there was no indicator that I needed to press enter to save them as that step is not required anywhere else in the software. Or at least not in many other places. Thank you for clarifying that.