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Setting up motors

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:12 am
by msims4
Our Liteplacer has the software setup, but we've run into a couple of problems with the motors. 1. The x axis motor does not move at all when we test the movement on it. The motor 1 light is lit up on the TinyG board, but it seems to not be receiving the signal when tested. 2. The y axis, z axis, and nozzle motor all seem to be trying to move when tested, as we can hear them making noise, however they seem to not actually be moving. At one point the y axis would move, but has since ceased working. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to fix these problems. Thanks.

Re: Setting up motors

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:06 am
by JuKu
First, double check your power supply. Then, click "Reset to Defaults" under Control Board settings on Basic Setup page. If these don't fix it, finding the problem might take a few emails. For that, please:
- restart the program
- send text $$

The former get tthe startup dialog to log window. The latter dumps all TinyG settings on log window in human readable form. Then send me a copy of the log window content: Click inside the log window, crtl+A to select all, copy and paste to a text document. Send that to juha at and we'll continue from that.