Mount one M5-25 bolt to the plate using two M5 washers and one 0.625″or 18mm spacer on the inside of the plate and a M5 washer and nut on the other side:
- M5-25
- M5 washer x 2, if 0.625″ spacer (see below)
- #12 aluminum spacer, 0.625″ / 18mm steel spacer
- M5 washer
- M5 nut
Note1: Recently, there has been difficulties in parts purchase. Therefore, the kit may have 0.625″ (15.9mm) aluminium spacers, and the post needs two washers. Alternatively, the spacers 18mm steel; if you have 18mm spacer, don’t install the washers. The type is indicated in the bag label.
Note2: I have shipped a some kits with misprinted labels: If the label reads 0.825″, the bag actually contains 0.625″ spacers. My apologies for any confusion!