How sooth should the movement of X gantry be?

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Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:32 am

Re: How sooth should the movement of X gantry be?

Post by jgorsk »

Thank you for sending the replacement X rails.

Now the X direction movement is much smoother.

There may be still a problem though. Movement in X direction when the gantry
is in left rear corner of the machine generates noise. The noise is like high frequency vibrations.
It’s not coming from the wheels, it’s from X stepper/belt or pullies. When the gantry
is moved manually, movement in the same part of the machine is smooth, low resistance
and noise free.

I was able to reduce the noise by relaxing the belt and reducing X motor current
but some noise is still there.

Any suggestion on how to eliminate the noise completely? Or is a small amount of noise
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