I found out that this can change when needles are replaced, you did something stupid and the needle shifted a bit.
So how to do this ? ... lets just use vision!
step 1:
move down camera above up looking camera:

step 2:
Use vision and filters to center the down camera in the up camera's view:

step 3:
Run the already in place needle calibration function

step 4:
Now you can automatically calculate the camera / needle offset X and Y.
You could even include the wobble factor of the needle at said rotation (if that is not already done in the current software)
In this case it is:
Down camera in up camera view: x 2.706 y 87.375
Needle middle in up camera view: x 79.559 y 120.918
Result: x = (79.559-2.706) = 76.853
y = (120.918-87.375) = 33.543
In reality it is more ~80 x 33.543 so there must been a small error in my calculation / measurement. This is all hand aligned

-Do it manually by making the filter as I did in step 2 and just have a button that can center on one circle that is in view.

-Now run the needle wobble calibration function.
-Calculate offset by hand

These pictures are from me running RMOD software but it is intended for the regular branch.