android wrote:I am also having the same issue with component placement. After doing wobble calibration, and clicking probe down , needle hit the exact spot where camera was pointing, but if I turn the needle 270 degree, and do Probe down, needle is not hitting the exact spot. Machine picks the components without much problem but placements are off by a little.I am talking about 0805 components.
sounds like too much correction is applied for needle wobble.
Have you calibrated pixel-to-mm ratio for upward camera correctly? Software can only determine how many pixels the needle tip is off-center in camera picture.
This value then needs to be converted to mm, so machine position can be corrected accordingly for each A-angle.
I suggest the following:
1. Calibrate needle height
2. Move needle over upwards camera and lower needle to PCB level (needle down)
3. Enable box display (draw box) for upward camera
4. Jog needle a bit left of the box
5. Only jog to the right (X+) from now on to reduce effect of slack
6. Carefully and slowly jog machine until needle tip is exactly centered on left box boundary in display - apply zoom if needed
7. Note X coordinate
8. Jog machine until needle is exactly centered on right box boundary
9. Again note X coordinate
10. Calculate distance by substracting the X coordinates you have noted down
11. Repeat for Y axis with lower and upper box boundaries
12. Set box size for X and Y which lets software calculate pixel-to-mm ratio
In addtion, make sure to calibrate needle-camera offset and set needle center / up camera position afterwards.
If you care to install RMod / Ver2 it has auto calibration for pixel-to-mm ratio for both down- and upcamera - similar procedure to the one described above but automated.
Even if you don't want to use that version, you could use it to determine the values once and then copy & paste them to the other software.
I think that calibration is very helpful I posted a request to port that calibration routine to main branche here:
Hope this helps!
Best regards