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Re: Another slew of updates to the RMOD software

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:27 pm
by s_sergiu

Can you please tel me how to set first hole and last hole in tapes ?
Also could not use loose place and place with up cam.


Re: Another slew of updates to the RMOD software

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:04 pm
by s_sergiu

Set first/ set last hole in tapes is very useful as we can set up tapes in any direction.


Re: Another slew of updates to the RMOD software

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:15 pm
by Knas
s_sergiu wrote:Can you please tel me how to set first hole and last hole in tapes ?
All you need to do is to navigate with the camera to the first hole on the tape and choose set first, then navigate to the last hole and set that and it should be done.
s_sergiu wrote:Also could not use loose place and place with up cam.
I haven't touched this part of the code, i believe it was never implemented in the original code that Reza did.


Re: Another slew of updates to the RMOD software

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:22 pm
by WayOutWest
Knas wrote:
WayOutWest wrote: I'm sure you've already done this, but for anybody else reading, you definitely need a "pneumatic capacitor" in the vac line in order to get usable readings from the ADC. Malte explained how here.
So i'm not entirely sure on how this works. I understand that the capacitor would build up a pressure and that once opening the valve the suction should be much greater than what's there without it. But the way the current implementation works is that it measures the pressure by opening the valve and let it suck "freely" and measures the pressure, then after it picked up a component it measures the pressure again and calculates the difference. I cannot fully wrap my head around how to implement this with a capacitor, any hints much appreciated.
Hi Karl,

The vacuum pump is built from a motor; during half of each revolution of the motor it's increasing the vacuum level in the pneumatic line and during the other half it's recovering. So the pressure in the line will look somewhat like a sine wave whose frequency matches the rotational speed of the motor. The amplitude of this wave is quite large! The major source of ADC unusability is the fact that the ADC is not synchronized to the motor, so it's taking samplings at random phases of this wave.

Putting a metal bottle (i.e. pneumatic capacitor) on the vacuum line smooths out this sine wave. Just like how bypass capacitors (i.e. electrical capacitors) smooth out fluctuations in a power supply. This is true whether or not there is a component blocking the tip of the needle (i.e. when it is sucking "freely"). Keep in mind that the tip of the needle (or Juki nozzle) is much much smaller than the inside diameter of the vacuum tube, so the pressure fluctuations caused by the motor's finite speed are still quite visible even when the nozzle isn't blocked.

Re: Another slew of updates to the RMOD software

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:10 am
by alex
Hi Everybody,
New builder here and loving the machine so far. I like the idea of predefining the tape holes in the RMOD, especially those pesky transparent ones but please could I be cheeky and request a compiled .exe for it?
My pc is very modest and I'd prefer to keep it offline but looks like Visual Studio needs to go online to download libraries.
Many thanks!

Re: Another slew of updates to the RMOD software

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:49 pm
by Pixopax
Yes, an .exe would definitely make it easier :?