thanks for the compliments, using a "Tree Grid" seemed the most logical to me. Is "Master Details Grid" what this is called in the Microsoft world?
Great idea, I am just not sure how much effort it takes to implement - drag & drop can be nasty from my experience...mawa wrote:Maybe some drag & drop can be added alternatively to be able to move parts and groups over a larger distance.
I also thought about dumping the Placement operations group, but I think the info is very useful. Maybe we could put all the necessary data into the status window? If we construct the messages in a smart way, we would have all necessary info readily available - tried to put that in the new mockup below.mawa wrote:My question: Is the Placement Operations box necessary at all?
I included a step number as the first column - I thought that would be helpful for referencing status or error messages and could also help with drag / drop and reordering.
Makes sense. Due to the static nature of a PNG file I put the "Pause" button underneath in my drawing but the behaviour should probably be implemented as you suggested.mawa wrote:The pause Job button can IMO also be omitted. When you click the "Run Job" it changes to "Pause Job". Next Click it changes to "Resume Job".
Nice idea, but I only agree to some extent:mawa wrote:Maybe we should think of a kind of CD/DVD player button arrangement [...]
Run job (Play), Pause Job (Pause) and Abort Job (Stop) all make sense and will be very intuitive.
Also a "restart" button (rewind) would be helpful to start a job over with new PCB.
Redo unsuccesful step (Reverse) however does not match the way I envision my LitePlacer to work. I want my machine to run unattended - after all it shall automate my manual work and not bother me all the time
So if a step fails, I do not want to halt the job. Instead, LitePlacer should just continue with the next parts. Once the job is completed, I can see which components failed based on status and adress the errors one by one.
Just think of a panelized PCB with hundreds of components... If only 1% failed one would have to babysit the machine all the time.
I was wondering if a "run selected steps" made sense - maybe during initial setup and testing a funtion like that would be helpful?
Fullscreen: ... view&id=81