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Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:37 pm
by Spikee
I just started using this software and I must say it is awesome!
There are a bunch of things missing from the main liteplacer three. This adds almost all the features you need for this machine.

Would be nice if this could be expedited to the full version. I have been setting the software up for a few hours now and I have not found major bugs or had any crashes.

It misses a bit documentation (as does the main three) but one can figure it out quite quickly .

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:35 pm
by Spikee
I have got everything setup but I cant get the tape set up correctly.
I have tested the filters and they work fine. But when I set up a new tape and do calibrate part via holes. It detects the hole and the machine goes to the right (further than the tape is wide) and than just crashes.
The tape orientation is POSY , 0603 paper tape.
paper tape filter:
component filter:

Where it goes after I tell it to calibrate holes:
(i cleared the filter in this one)

I also tried with the tape on the right but that does not help.

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:43 pm
by mawa
How is the tape defined?

Please post a screen shot you you tape def.

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:57 pm
by Spikee
Also i'm using the exe from a few post ago. I have not compiled the source myself.


Did some changes:

For some reason it wants to do +x 8 mm :

I do not understand the logic of this.

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:40 am
by thereza
hi all - finally need to use the liteplacer again so trying to see what has been done since i wrote the new code. seems like some people are working on it. is the latest version in the github repository? any exciting updates?

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:09 pm
by mrandt
Hi Reza, good to have you back :-)

Karl (knas) has forked your code; he fixed some bugs and added new features. I think his is the most up-to-date version.

Find his sources here:

I think the ver-2 on Juha's github is mostly unchanged.

Juha also extended his base version and added a few features. Other than that, I know of a few others who are working on their forks but have not published anything yet - some of them have ported parts of your implementation.

Maybe the authors of the forks want to chime in and give you (and everybody else) a rundown of the new and improved features?

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:16 pm
by thereza
thanks @mrandt for the info. I'll check out karl's code to see what he's done.

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:08 am
by Covert
I'm back here after running the lite placer almost every week. I'm running well with rmod. Just fixed a few bugs and changed around a few things like part calibration by holes to get it running smoothly for me. Also tweaked the calibration process a little since I seem to need to calibrate my needle after every stop, it only takes 30 seconds now.

I'm keen to jump on a fork and start to feed my changes back if there are a few of us active on it.

I'm thinking about part calibration now. I want it to be more automated. I was thinking to have the machine look where it expects the tape to be. If it finds the tape it then tests it's on the first hole then calibrates the tape then check a flag for that tape to calibrate next tape. If the bed is set up right it should to it all by itself. If it gets stuck just point the machine to the first tape hole and start for that location. It will then continue on for other tapes if the flag is set.

Also I need to find time to add part detection via vacuum. Seems to be the only thing that still commonly halts the machine.

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:28 am
by thereza
which fork are you using? i've not been able to get karl's stuff to compile yet. is he around?

i'm curious about the changes you've made...
Covert wrote:I'm back here after running the lite placer almost every week. I'm running well with rmod. Just fixed a few bugs and changed around a few things like part calibration by holes to get it running smoothly for me. Also tweaked the calibration process a little since I seem to need to calibrate my needle after every stop, it only takes 30 seconds now.

I'm keen to jump on a fork and start to feed my changes back if there are a few of us active on it.

I'm thinking about part calibration now. I want it to be more automated. I was thinking to have the machine look where it expects the tape to be. If it finds the tape it then tests it's on the first hole then calibrates the tape then check a flag for that tape to calibrate next tape. If the bed is set up right it should to it all by itself. If it gets stuck just point the machine to the first tape hole and start for that location. It will then continue on for other tapes if the flag is set.

Also I need to find time to add part detection via vacuum. Seems to be the only thing that still commonly halts the machine.

Re: LitePlacer-rmod Updates

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:56 am
by thereza
Spikee wrote:Also i'm using the exe from a few post ago. I have not compiled the source myself.

Did some changes:

For some reason it wants to do +x 8 mm :
I do not understand the logic of this.
did this ever get fixed?