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Software release, 26/02/2016

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:57 pm
by JuKu
Build date 2/26/2016:

New features

Tape alignment test now uses Next column, if the part # box is empty

Bug fixes

* Moved camera initialization earlier in startup: Results should no longer depend on what order Windows brings things up
* Fixed issue with "keep active" camera mode and needle calibration
* Check updates date check fixed

Significant changes

* Changed internal data format in saved files. This became necessary for custom tape definitions, jig based placement and adding capacity for tapes (these features are not yet in this release, though). This should not cause any issues. However, old version data files are kept - if there are problems, please go back to an earlier release. Old data files are then used instead of v2 files. Please let me know if you needed to do this.