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bug in sw and feature request

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:54 pm
by instrukcion14
Hey guys

I found one little bug today when I made tray. When you add row into tray and during specify tape there are also coordinates of first hole. You can see default coordinates of actual position but rotation is the same as Y posistion. when you push "get coordinates" then sw copy there the same coordinates as before but with actual rotation of A axe. It's small bug but forgotting doing that can leads to bad placing, maybe.

Placing component change status of itself to placed (in table column named "placed"). When you take next board you have to manually reset all check boxes in columm or load data again. Is possible to add button "displace all" which change status of all components? It will be really helpful for me.


Re: bug in sw and feature request

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 8:40 am
by JuKu
I'm not in the office for the weekend, I will address the bug on Monday. Square fiducials sound simple also. And there is a useful contribution waiting for inclusion.

Right click the cad data table allows to reset all placed data.