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Custom gantry PCB & TinyG daughter board to cut down wiring

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:35 pm
by Elasia
This is not so much of a request as it is something I will be producing for myself and if there are any other interested folk that may want one, saw how tinyg did their licensing so will be similar.

I will be looking to modify this in two parts, one is initial serialization of the limit switches and power control of the led ring and the solenoid on board (5 minutes to do.. easy)

2nd phase I will be looking at adding local stepper controller drives too eliminate another two cables (not so easy.. extra testing, fully replace tinyg?)

1st phase will cut the needed about of cables down to (3) four conductor, (controller, Z rotation, Z travel), 1 usb camera, 1 air tube

2nd will turn it down into just 1 four conductor plus usb / air tube

Both ends will be a pair of boards running Microchip PICs

The other thing driving this for me is that i made my liteplacer bigger and doing the electrical to spec has put too much weight into the cable chain and it is sagging into the belts so at least the 1st phase will be done for sure,
2nd i'll stub out the hardware while doing the first but not sure when i'd get around to software.. i'd be looking at ditching the tinyg at this point while the 1st stage is just about pure augmentation with minimal changes so anyone could do that bit easily if they wanted.