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LitePlacer With Up Looking Measuremet

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 12:10 am
by Volter
I am writing through a translator, so please forgive me. I will try to describe everything as clearly as possible.
I am not a programmer, I only know a little about programming. I don't have a GitHub account.
I am really looking forward to LitePlacer V2.0, and while Juku is working on it, I suggest Liteplacer V1.0 with the alignment of the components to the camera looking up.

1. Added new video processor filters, and fixed the mixed colors error (RBG instead of RGB) in old ones.
2. Fixed some bugs that caused exceptions and program crashes.
3. Added the ability to connect an automatic feeder.
4. Added Z offset setting to reduce travel.
5. Added the ability to align components with the camera facing up.

Next, I will discuss each of the points.
I am writing all this from home, and I do not have access to my machine, so if you have questions or need to shoot a video, I can do it later, but for now ...

Instructions for preparing for use.
Make sure to make a copy of the Liteplacer software, we will work on it.
Next, replace LitePlacer.exe in the folder with the COPY of the program.

Change 1: (Video filters)
Filters.JPG (51.73 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Change 2: Just a bug fix.

Change 3: AutoFeeder.
The idea is very simple, auto feeder works in two modes. The first mode is the hole counter, the second mode is vibration and its duration. "Part Pitch" need set as Zero.
Packet ASCII format: VIB - Vibration, FED - Holes counter, L - line number (1 - 65535), H - Holes or Vibration seconds (1 - 255), P - PWM (80-255), ; - close packet.
Example feed: FED L3 H2 P200; - feeding line №3, on 2 holes, pwm - 200
Example vibration: VIB L5 H5 P210; - vibration line №5, time 5 seconds, pwm 210.
Example e-stop: !; - e-stop ))
AF1.JPG (27.94 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
AF2.JPG (186.06 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
AF3.JPG (50.82 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Change 4: Z offset.
This parameter is measured in millimeters, it works like this.
mechanical homing, Z -> Y -> X, then, the Z-axis is lowered by this value, and the coordinate is reset to 0.000.
Reconfiguration of parameter Z0 to PCB is required !!!
If you do not need this, set this parameter to 0.
Zof.JPG (53.53 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Change 5: UpCam Measuremet.
I will tell you how to use it below.
UL1.JPG (163.07 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
UL2.JPG (53.99 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
And so, the procedure.
1. Start the program and select your ComPort, ComPort for autofeed select "none". Do not start Home Machine.
2. Then on the Basic Setup page, set the Z offset after homing to zero.
3. Go to the Tapes Positions page and delete them all. All Tapes need to be recreated !!! This is Important, otherwise you will receive errors in the program.
4. restart the program, and start Homing. Now you can adjust the alignment of the components to the camera.

Aligning Components to the Camera: This Function work only in "Place" and "Place Fast" metods.
There are 2 alignment algorithms, Fast and Precision, selected in "Tape Edit".

Fast Algorithm - Uses one (one frame) measurement. Without mechanical verification of the result, the A deviation and the XY offset are calculated mathematically and are only taken into account when the component is in place. Good for aligning diodes, resistors, large transistors, etc. Saves time. This mode is still being tested, but it seems to work.

Precision Algorithm - Uses multiple measurements (configurable parameter) with mechanical verification of the result, first to align the angle deviation, then XY offset, all checks are performed above the camera until the alignment is successful. Then the component is installed. This algorithm is well suited for IC (soic, tqfp, etc...), since it requires high positioning accuracy. This is a Slow algorithm.

Now create a new Tape, select the measurement algorithm and the height above the camera (If no height is specified, (Z0 to PCB) will be used. For thin components this is sufficient.
UlTape_Conf.JPG (48.21 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Excellent ! Smoke break. ;)

Now you need to set up the camera, bring the component to the camera, and set up the video processor of the components. It will target the pins of the component. Attention, the higher the camera resolution, the better the accuracy, I use 800x600. The mm / Pixel parameters should also be fine-tuned, it depends on the result of the alignment. Especially useful for Fast alignment.
You should get a result like this (Good Result).
UL_Conf.JPG (173.45 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
You can filter objects by size (Component Alt Blob Filter). I have a lighting lamp hanging on the ceiling in the frame =))) Onas creates a large white spot, but the Filter helps. Here's an example.
bad.JPG (186 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
now filter by size
Good.JPG (181.17 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Parameter Frame Stable Time, This is the time in milliseconds it takes to stabilize the camera image before measuring. For example, 7.5FPS = 133ms, a good value is 150 - 170ms. This delay occurs before each measurement and adjustment. If not required, set the value to 0.

Parameter Correct Tries. This is the maximum number of attempts to align the component in the precision algorithm. That is, the alignment is considered successful if:
1. The number of attempts has not been exceeded.
2. Error A = 0 and XY offset less than one pixel.
A good value is 5 - 8.
If more attempts are required, try to improve the video processor. Improve camera illumination. I use a black paper circle over the nozzle, this creates a nice contrast between the pins and the body of the component.

Here are some more photos with examples:
Ex1.JPG (139.6 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Ex2.JPG (158.69 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Ex3.JPG (148.4 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Ex4.JPG (148.55 KiB) Viewed 6811 times
Well, that's it. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them, it was very difficult for me to write this post, since I do not know English well. Please ask me your questions as simply as possible so that I can understand them =)) Forgive me for being so stupid =)

Re: LitePlacer With Up Looking Measuremet

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 11:14 am
by Volter
For Juku.
Since liteplacet 2.0 version has the ability to create an unlimited number of video processors. The ideal option would be to provide for the possibility of individual adjustment of the video algorithm for each component, since one algorithm is not very convenient for all. For example the sot-23 is very small and requires an image zoom, but the TQFP-44 is already big enough to fit into the frame with the image zoom.
I hope that you are not against this post, and I did not violate the rules for licensing your software.

Re: LitePlacer With Up Looking Measuremet

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 12:56 pm
by JuKu
Volter wrote:For Juku.
Since liteplacet 2.0 version has the ability to create an unlimited number of video processors. The ideal option would be to provide for the possibility of individual adjustment of the video algorithm for each component, since one algorithm is not very convenient for all.
That was one of the main reasons to change to unlimited processors.
Volter wrote: I hope that you are not against this post, and I did not violate the rules for licensing your software.
Quite the contrary! Amazing high quality post and contributions like this is the whole point of open source software. I am grateful for your contribution and will integrate this to the 2.0. Thank you very much!

Re: LitePlacer With Up Looking Measuremet

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:22 pm
by Volter
Great, I'll be glad to help.

Re: LitePlacer With Up Looking Measuremet

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 8:09 pm
by Volter
Here are some simple things to do to help you get good results.
The diffuser is made of white plexiglass.
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