Welcome to LitePlacer Online Store!

LitePlacer store is closed.

Unfortunately, I am forced to early retirement due to health issues. Ordering trough the store is no longer possible. I do have some remaining stock, incomplete kits, steel plates etc remaining. If you want to buy, please contact me at juha@liteplacer.com. Also, I'm happy to provide sources for parts that I used.

Here are remaining full products: 


Wiring accessories

Ferrule crimper tool
Ferrule set

Ferrule set


Terminal block

Terminal block


Tools and accessories

Torx 25 screwdriver
5.5mm spanner

5.5mm spanner


Torx 25 tip

Torx 25 tip


Pre-assembly nuts for extrusions
Post-assembly nuts

Upgrades for older machines

Precision drive shaft
Cable chain kit

Cable chain kit


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