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Software release 09/09/2022

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:03 pm
by JuKu
New software release, build date 09.09.2022

Installation file: ... 9_2022.exe

New features:

* Up camera assisted placement. Details here:
* Video to UI is scaled down to UI resolution (much better performance), measurements and visual processing use
full resolution image for precision.
* Cameras have properties button , and can now use fixed exposure. Details here:
* Variable delay (in frames) for camera measurements

Minor changes

* Multiple rows can be deleted from tapes data table
* Negative move guard sizes are now user settable
* Added +10 and -10 buttons on vision algorithm int parameter (greatly helps setting the contrast)
* Data file backups now go to dated directories
* Nozzle calibration from nozzle setup page depreciated (much easier done on vision processing page)

Bug fixes and improvements

* Setting machine size now sets the limits on control board, too
* Better tooltip and error messages text in multiple places
* Delete tape button now correctly labeled to refer on all selected tapes
* Homing from cameras or vision algorithms setup pages now correctly shows down camera in use
* Homing from nozzles setup page switches to basic setup page to restore z switch settings
* Setting pixel size now works correctly regardless of zoom and show pixel setting
* Changing zoom and show pixels status now recalculates the box size. Note, that this makes box size dynamic, it changes with zoom.
The mm/pixel value is the important value.
* Box size is not shown if it is not valid
* No crash if nozzle correction is asked when no nozzle is loaded
* Screen resolution settings did not always clear red error color
* You can now click the image to move the machine even if it is not homed
* Tape type drop box was not always filled with vision algorithm names
* Job data value and footprint columns are narrower, so that nozzle number is visible
* Deleting the first tape is now possible
* Basic setup tab now shows pump and vacuum statuses correctly

Known issues

If you change camera resolution, you need to re-set pixel size