here's the output of x homing
Code: Select all
==> {"gc":"G28.2 X0"}
ReadyEvent stat
Homing X done.
Code: Select all
==> {"gc":"G28.2 Z0"}
ReadyEvent stat
Homing Z done.
The other thing that's super annoying is that if the unit starts up with a limit switch depressed, and it mores to un-depress-it then it triggers a limit switch fault. it seems to detect any change of voltage vs. just a negative swing.
I'm going to upgrade the fimrware to see if it helps - has anyone else had this problem? I"m not sure if the version number is in here, but this is the ready msg.
15:57:59.352> {"r":{"fv":0.970,"fb":438.02,"hp":1,"hv":8,"id":"1H4973-HU2","msg":"SYSTEM READY"},"f":[1,0,0,5409]}