I compiled Karl's latest version (
https://github.com/Knaster/LitePlacer-v ... 84ac15da1f) of the Ver2 fork and put all the necessary files into a ZIP.
You may download the file from here - but just take this as a courtesy; no warranties that it works as expected and no support from my side:
To work with the sources and compile your own versions, you need to get Visual Studio Express from MS (free), install AForge libraries and a few other dependencies as described in the section "For developers" here:
Karl's fork is based on thereza's fork being disucssed in this thread . Out of all versions publicly available I consider this the version with most features and least bugs. If you want to use pressure sensor for part-pickup detection, auto nozzle changer or feeders, you should give it a try.
If you however want Juha's support, stick to the official software available from liteplacer.com and announced on the forum.
In an attempt to shed some light onto the other versions Louis mentioned:
Juha's "official" and supported LitePlacer software. This is the source of the releases on liteplacer.com
This is Juha's development version. It may contain new features but is not considered stable.
This is thereza's original fork. He hates git, thus there almost no commit history. Juha eventually put the sources there for others. This code is also known as rmod in the forum.
Karl forked ver2 (rmod), fixed some bugs and added new functions. This is also the version which I compiled and linked above.
I know for a fact that there are several other people who are working on their own forks without sharing the code (or not yet sharing it).
@Covert Can we find your version anywhere?
IMHO the situation got really confusing and chaotic for existing and new LitePlacer users.
If everybody had focussed their skills and energy and collaborated on one version of the software rather than everyone dealing with their own private fork, we would probably have a very nice piece of software with most of the functionality from the various feature requests on the "wish list".
But this way, each and every version has their pros and cons, individual bugs and issues and none is complete and fully usable
Some necessary functionality is not implemented (such as using bottom vision to compensate for part rotation / offset, placing finer pitched ICs, optically inspecting placed parts...).
Other functionality is redundant in each of the different forks.
Bugs fixed in one branch might still exist in others - but nobody really knows.
Just have a look at the GitHub issue trackers:
I am no C# expert so I cannot really contribute much - thus I obviously have no right to complain. Still, I want to point out the symptoms and problems I am seeing.
If we continue this way, we will end up with one supported version which Juha is mostly coding alone (with a few occasional contributions from customers) and which progresses slowly for understandable reasons.
At the same time, the many disconnected forks will mean redundant and often wasted effort. Some forks will have more or other functionality than the official version, some will be better than others, many will be tailored to individual needs.
Any new customer will get totally confused and frustrated once they decide to go looking for the various software options rather than just using Juha's official release.