I came across a new idea yesterday, maybe that would make hole detection on tapes more reliable.
I often have problems with holes on plastic tapes, when the tape is not perfectly straight some light is mirrored by the glossy plastic, which confuses the software.
Now I came across an idea, to place a green strip beneath the tape, so the holes appear green.
Could I filter out everything which is not green so that only the holes stay visible?
That would make things much easier.
I will try that out soon, but maybe we can disucss that idea here, to optimize it.
New idea for better Hole-Detection
Re: New idea for better Hole-Detection
There is a kill color function. Alt+click the camera image to set the color. The int parameter trims the tolerance. This will set green to black, and inverse would give you white circles, which is what the algorithm is looking for.